Old City Hall Clock Tower

Palm Avenue Walk-Bike Improvements (Boulevard to Nebraska Ave)

The 1.05-mile segment of Palm Avenue from North Boulevard to Nebraska Avenue is a 4-lane undivided urban collector roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 mph and serves both commercial and residential uses. Sidewalks exist on both sides of the roadway within the limits of the project and there are signalized intersections at Tampa Street, Florida Avenue, and Nebraska Avenue.

This project consists of converting Palm Avenue to a 2-lane divided roadway with bike lanes and a bi-directional left turn lane to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and level of service. Installation of a raised pedestrian refuge island is included between Tampa Street and Florida Avenue with intermittent islands east of Florida Avenue. Additional improvements will include milling and resurfacing of the roadway within the project limits and minor signalization improvements to maximize the overall level of service of the roadway given the reduction of vehicular travel lanes.
Improvements to Palm Ave between North Boulevard and Tampa Street will be limited since the developer of The Heights Redevelopment Project will be reconstructing this roadway segment in the near future.

Construction of this project was completed October 2016.

Aerial Video:


Palm Avenue Walk-Bike Fact Sheet